Many Female Vets Struggle Without Seeking Help From VA

Portland, Maine, USA

Portland, Maine, USA (Photo credit:

So many veterans who need help become invisible to us when they leave the military service.  Female vets are not immune to this. Is this  a problem that has only become newsworthy in this time of the volunteer Army?   Read more.

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  1. Thanks for sharing this rather disturbing report Larry. Bad enough that women have to face the sexism etc during their service but to then have such a hard time when they come out- talk about disheartening. Must be almost impossible for single Moms. From the article it seems that personnel leave with very little in the way of pension. Is that to do length of service being limited do you know, or just how it is unless yr a full length career soldier?

  2. Hi AK – In the case of the female vets mentioned in the story, I believe they did not have enough service time to qualify for a pension.

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