Tag: Doug Glanville

The Ghosts of October – Doug Glanville’s Baseball

Doug Glanville who first played for the Phillies as a fleet footed center fielder now pens periodic thoughtful and brilliant articles in the NY Times.  I find all of them connecting  with my thoughts and memories of baseball. Here is another. The Ghosts of October http://nyti.ms/1heqiHh  Another Doug Glanville masterpiece. Baseball, I love it. Thanks for […]

Baseball- Faith and Doubt

This is an article by Doug Glanville that gets right to the heart of cheating in the game of baseball (or in any game, really). You need to read all the comments to the original post.  This is right at the heart of our country, even if you never swung a bat.  Incidently, the photo […]

The Long Walk Home – The Big Leagues – Baseball

  The Long Walk Home – This is a piece written by ex-big leaguer Doug Glanville  who writes with insight and wisdom about the game of baseball, and about the game as a metaphor for life and other things. nyti.ms/SK2LQy Related articles A poignant essay on going home