Tag: Vietnam War

Apocalypse Now, The Great Gatsby, and the House of the Dead

  House of the Dead In an article in the NY Times entitled My Home, the House of the Dead, by William G. Thomas III, a professor of history at the University of Nebraska, he tells of his family lore making their homestead in Virginia a hospital during the Civil War.  Even more important to a […]

When Weak Old Work Becomes Vibrant New Work

  A good idea is a good idea, period.  Right? Yes! When I first wrote a number of short stories and plays, the impetus for writing them was that they represented truth as I knew it.  Now, I reread them and find that the development of the idea seems weak.  I did a fairly decent […]

The Rescue of Roger Locher

This is a video of Air Force General Steve Ritchie telling of the incredible rescue of one of our pilots during the Vietnam War.  It’s also a story about the teamwork necessary to bring this off, and the loyalty and affection that men in the service of their country have for one another. Thanks for […]