Month: December 2014

The Maine Playwrights Festival Deadline Has Come and Gone

  The Maine Playwrights Festival has been around for 14 years. It’s presented an annual challenge to create some new stage worthy thing or to bring out something you’ve been working on for a while. Whatever, it’s been a call to arms in a sense, if that can be thought of as a metaphor for […]

The Deadline Approaches – Maine Playwrights Festival 2014

I’ve been working like the devil on my novel in progress tentatively named Transit of Venus and have let the December 15th deadline for submissions to the Maine Playwrights Festival creep up on me. It’s taken all the effort and skill I have to try to transform my full length play into a novel. It’s […]

Why Write a Novel About Murder? A Bunk on Death Row

Edgar Smithย was in solitary confinement awaiting his execution in the electric chair,ย sentenced to death for the first degree murder of a 15 year old girl by a jury that deliberated for less than three hours following his two week trial. In his jail cell he studied the law and read extensively. He became acquainted with […]